Puck STUD Ranking Update Schedule:
Post Draft (July)
Training Cap (September)
Early Season (November)
Post World Juniors (February)
End of the NHL Regular Season (April)
Post Stanley Cup/Pre-Draft (June)
General Website Updates:
Added a written description to the Central Prospect Hub tool.
Added an "Updates" page that is accessible via link at the top of all tools. ​
Visual Tools Updates:
NHL Rights Updated across all Tools.
Revamped the Lists tool. (https://www.fantasyhockeylife.com/lists)
Streamlined the experience by turning 10 lists into 2.
The main list shows each team/league/season in detail where multiple player instances create context for performance consistency/variation.
(i.e. MHL vs VHL vs KHL)​
The secondary list shows a summary where players are only displayed once.
Included additional filters and highlighters at the top of tool to better curate your list.​
Added more sliders and filters to the Central Skater Prospect Hub tool (https://www.fantasyhockeylife.com/hub)
Mid-Summer Final Puck STUD Rating Update.
Added STUD Rating Slider/Filter to STUD Stocks tool.
*NEW* STUD Stocks tool added. (https://www.fantasyhockeylife.com/studstocks) ​